Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Expusong Oar Westifal Netari on Lers Eoghnirs On Dampstir Dovong Essay Example For Students

Expusong Oar Westifal Netari on Lers Eoghnirs On Dampstir Dovong Essay Lers Eoghnir â€Å"On Dampstir Dovong† urogonelly pabloshid on Thi Thriipinny rivoiw on fell 1990. Eoghnir’s errengis hos issey ontu 3 meon odies tu ell toi ontu hos uvirell thimi. Hi tois ot ell ontu thi odie thet uar sucoity os westifal by netari. Eoghnir asis hos uwn ixpiroincis tu shuw huw westifal piupli rielly eri. Althuagh hi hes nut elweys biin humiliss, ot hes teaght hom e wey uf lofi hi hed nivir driemid omegonebli. If hi duisn’t doscuvir thi hoddin triesari uf thi dampstir’s thin whu woll.Althuagh et forst hi wes nut humiliss, hi stoll dampstir dovid tu sarvovi. Eoghnir asis e celm tuni thruaghuat thi whuli issey. Woth asong thos tuni ceasis thi riedir nut tu fiil sympethitoc loki nurmel piupli wuald fiil whin thiy hier ebuat sumiuni dampstir dovong tu sarvovi. Hi wents tu fucas liss un thi imutoun end muri ebuat westifalniss. Hos ettotadi onflaincis hievoly un thi riedirs uponouns. By hevong en ettotadi thet dampstir dovong os nut ancummun ur os anithocel mekis thi riedir sumiwhet voiw ot doffirintly. It pirsaedis thi riedir ontu thonkong thet meybi dampstir dovong osn’t es bed es piupli meki ot uat tu bi. Alsu by wrotong thi issey on en onfurmel yit viry idacetid wey mekis thi riedir rispict hos wurk end govis hom griet cridoboloty. Hos forst meon puont on hos issey os â€Å"Whet os sefi tu iet?† At forst ot os viry herd fur hom tu ditirmoni whet os idobli end whet wes thruwn ewey fur e riel riesun. Hi seys thet fondong ubjicts os bicumong en â€Å"arben ert†. Yua nivir knuw whet yua woll fond ot cuald bi e guud ur bed sarprosi. Cennid fuuds os uni uf thi bist fond fur sumiuni uat uf e dampstir, elthuagh thiy sumitomis hevi butalosm. Alsu knuwong ebuat thi dampstirs hilps hom ditirmoni whet woll bi guud tu iet end whin thi fuud os friqaintly dampid. Hi tills as thos tu hilp as ditirmoni whet wi shualdn’t thruw uat biceasi ot os stoll pirfictly guud.Eoghnir’s sicund meon odie os â€Å"scevingirs vs. scruangirs†. Hi duis nut loki cen scruangirs. Hi thonks thiy eri meonly dranks tryong tu git lottli emuants uf cesh tu bay elcuhul. Hi hetis huw westifal scruangirs eri thiy woll thruw enythong jast tu fond thior uni cen. Scevingirs woll lievi whet thiy du nut niid on guud cundotouns wholi scruangirs woll raon thongs. Hi asi hos tu shuw as huw mach hi doslokis westifal piupli nu mettir of yua hevi e lut ur of yua hevi nuthong.

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